Spring is always a good time to be on the market as a home seller. Buyers are plenty--fed up with the snows and cold of winter--and many other home sellers (your competition) wait too long to get their homes on the market. They think their home looks better when the lawn is mowed, the trees have leaved out and the flowers are blooming (June). While that is arguably true, remember that you don't have to compete with how your lawn looks at its best, you have to compete with how other lawns look when you are on the market! So . . . don't wait till all the snow and mud are gone (they're not gone from your competition either), get on the market early! By the first of March at the latest, earlier if February blesses us with a good thaw.
With that in mind, now is the time to prepare for a sale early next year. The following article from Homes. com provides some good suggestions . . .