Thursday, April 11, 2013

5 Emotional Mistakes Sellers Make

The following article on the Trulia web site is a great one for home sellers.  As I am about to become one myself, I am paying special attention.  Real estate moves can make us crazy, whether we are buying or selling!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The value of regular home maintenance!

Spring time is a good time to take care of things in and around the house.  The out-of-doors is more welcoming and you just feel like getting things done again after hibernating for the winter.  I ran across the following article on  These are good reminders that pay dividends in the long run!

Now that the Rainy Season is here . . .

It's great to have spring finally here--and along with it, April showers!  Rain is wonderful and necessary, but it can wreak havoc on a home.  The attached article from "This Old House" provides some useful and timely information on how to get rain water away from your foundation--reducing the risk of damp basements and mold.  Check it out:,,20190189,00.html?xid=hinewsletter-130409-extend-downspout&TOH